How to embed video on wordpress website

Video is one of the most popular and sought-after content formats. It attracts users' attention, helps them remember information better and interact with the audience. If your site runs on CMS WordPress and there is a need to add a video, you can do it in different ways. Let's look at them in the article and tell you how to do it.

Insertion of basic via wordpress

WordPress offers built-in functionality for embedding videos via URL, from a PC, or via HTML code.

To do this:

Log in to your admin panel and select "Posts" from the side menu, then click "Add New".

The editing page will open.

To add a new block, click the "+" button in the upper left corner.

A menu for selecting a block will open. Enter the word "Video" in the search bar and select the appropriate block.

Let's fill in the title space and specify "Media content" for example.

The block that appears contains buttons for selecting the download method.

Let's look at them.

The Insert from Site button

Allows you to insert a video into Wordpress by URL. For example, you can take a video from YouTube. Go to the service, find and open the desired video. Under the player, click the Share button.


In the modal window, copy the link.

Go back to editing the post in Wordpress.

Click the Paste from Site button, add the URL you copied earlier, and click Apply.


After that, the YouTube video will be displayed in the block. Click Publish to make the video appear on the site.


This way you can place a video from YouTube on your Wordpress site. You can also add a video from other platforms, but you should make sure that they support this feature.

Upload button

Used when you need to upload a video from your computer to your Wordpress site. In this case, no links are needed. Just click the Upload button and in the window that opens, find and select the video on your computer.


After that it will be placed in the block and all that remains is to publish it.

It is possible to place several blocks and upload videos from both other sites and from a computer. Thus, you can create a whole video gallery from a page.

Insertion using a plugin

WordPress has a large library of plugins, both paid and free, for working with a site. Among them are those designed for video. As an example, we will use the ARVE (Advanced Responsive Video Embedder) plugin.

First, you need to install it.

Open the Wordpress admin panel, select "Plugins", and then click the Add new button.


In the search bar, enter "ARVE", then click the Install button in the card of the desired plugin, and then Activate.

Go to the post editing page.

To upload a video, you will need the "Shortcode" block. Enter it in the search bar and add it.

Paste the code into the field as follows:

[arve url=""]

where url is a link to a video (similar to what was described above using the YouTube example).


To check, publish a post and go to the site page.

Embedding HTML code

For this method, we will use the VK Video service. To embed the video, we will need the frame code. It works like this:

Go to the VK Video service, find the desired video and open it.


There is a Share button inside and below the player window. Click it.

In the modal window that opens, go to the "Export" tab and copy all the code inside the tag <iframe>.

Go back to the WordPress post editing page.

Click the add block button, search for "html" and select "Custom HTML".


Paste the copied frame code into the "Write HTML..." field.


Before publishing, you can make sure that the video works by clicking the View button.

Several ways to place a video on a WordPress site were described above. Basic tools allow you to insert a video, but plugins provide more options for customizing its size, appearance, and launch. But they are not without drawbacks. They load and slow down the site, as they add additional code and files to the server. In addition, free options are limited in capabilities: few settings, no support for the necessary services or some video formats. In this case, you can try the Qform video widget. It does not depend on the plugin library and allows you to add a video with two lines of code, as well as configure launch and display parameters in the service's personal account.